BELOVED by Nerrida Miller

8 Jan 2021 by William Tibben in: Soul Food - Inspiration for the Week

Amid the darkness of our uncertainty for 2021 hear God’s words; Arise, shine your light has come, come in the form of Advent hope and Epiphany light. We can miss the Epiphany wisdom and assurance by being too preoccupied with the temporary. Naturally we must live within the confines and responsibilities of our COVID 19 world but if that is all we see……then we miss the joy of the Light and like the people of Barrow we too can live in celebration of the Light of Epiphany.

Arise, shine for the light has come. The Light is here with us now. Emmanuel, God’s Messiah dispels our darkness. The Light has come into the world and the darkness will never put it out.